When Uncle Macdonald in the street to sit together, almost every beach was occupied sunscreen and cocktails, always on the Southeast Asia at the mind is still secretly leave a fam - laos.

"Unfortunately," said to enumerate the Laos, there is no sign of an impressive landscape, neither had the Angkor so big, there is no Phuket, Su Mei that paradise island. The narrow country, just like a picture to describe fuzzy watercolor, king also faint, people also faint.
But this is perhaps its luck - never stood in the teeth of the storm, has not attracted a large number of teams, it retains the Southeast Asian flavor, such as the Great Mekong River, rampant weeds in wild trees, there was a clumsy tender affection, quietly surging.
Fam 12 hours
In the era of globalization, here or there, perhaps not too big difference. Florida can give you Disney, Tokyo has the same; the coastline of Philippines, Indonesia is missing. But in Laos, but can often clearly feel, here am I, the one and only!

Location Luang Prabang
Keyword collective mendicant monks
Have seen the morning the monks alms ceremony in Chiang Mai, but that's only because of the new year. But in Laos Luang Prabang, as long as you are willing to get up early, you can see this screen touching scene every day, because in accordance with local traditions, the first pot steamed glutinous rice every day must give to the monks. Five thirty in the morning, the monks wear orange robes, dressing up, led by a senior monk, in single file, barefoot in the street back and forth, accept people worship, regardless of the weather.
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