Crome, even the gardens and castle was a renaissance castle, is a rare example of a flawless and perfect preservation. The castle with its garden known world, the garden is a model of 17-19 century garden building, is a model of combining Baroque gardening art and palace building perfect. Keluomunierishen gardens and castle with its historical connotation, gallery, library, reception hall, meeting hall, the princes hall and two garden together constitute the world's the one and only the overall cultural heritage.

Moravia is located in the foothills of the Czech town of Chriby Crome, why Kromeriz, as early as in eighteenth Century has been Aoluomoci (Olomouc) the Bishop's palace, because there is a beautiful castle garden. The Baroque garden, internal feeling very British, plants and gardens are cut into neat pattern, and the centre of the garden pavilion, is Italy style.

Reportedly, Crome, what the castle gardens, has a very important influence on the development of the medieval castle and gardens once Barok combination of architectural art. Perhaps, therefore, the castle garden, were in the list of world cultural heritage.

We drove in the town and look at the signs, but also look at the map, turn a long time to find the garden. Don't look at the gate, because the gate of the garden is too small.
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