Early in the morning and the Atlantic side by side, night.IndiaOcean dream, let the penguins to listen to singing, seals, TLIDEA chase the sharks, the wind with ostrich race, was full of longing hearts enjoy the release, the definition of freedom and therefore more plump. Here, Cape Town, because of the love of God and the beautiful......

From the angle of the storm to Cape of Good Hope, a beautiful wish
Although Cape Town has suffered, but still beautiful. History cannot be copied over, with legendary writing brilliant. Be richly endowed by nature scenery is createdAfricaThe earth this vibrant coastal city.

Cape of Good Hope was once the end of the world, synonymous with the tempestuous waves, cannot replace the maritime lifeline, after the movie "2012" the rebirth of the human catastrophe, it is a book that does not fade. Once in a fairly long period of time, almost no one knows this Cape existence, is DIAS, Dagama these famous navigators, so hidden for centuries the magnificent stunning debut, but also opened a new era of the entrance. To here, from the Atlantic into India ocean; get through here, then the historical connectivity of eastern and Western sea route; around here, to the fifteenth Century Western dream of India. Then the king of Portugal will be excited to Dias named storms angle changed its name to "Cape of Good Hope", meaning "good hope cape". Not only that time, present and future, in Cape of Good Hope, expect and hope has been in!
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