Love, love will visit you hear "eleven" footsteps? Pick up the map, with ambitions, to every corner of the world have a look! ToDubaiThe feelings of Arabia culture, in theTurkeyExplore eight thousand years of ancient civilization, to experienceAustraliaThe vitality and European elegance. What are the world, we can have what.
Recommended reason: Turkey is on the verge of the Mediterranean and black sea, across the two continents, style beautiful feels like its carpet very be good to hear or see. Turkey because of multicultural its long history, beautiful natural landscape, swallow anything and everything, has long been a around the worldTravelingPeople yearning place.
Recommend play: to Cappadocia absolutely not miss is the most famous in the underground city, this is the seven or eight century Christians escape Arabia troops. Cappadocia underground city thirty-six, each dungeon has kitchen, cellars and olive press, dining room, bedroom, storage room, stables, deep, vent and even a church.
Pamukkale is located in the southwest of Turkey, such a lovely name, derived from its shape like a covered cotton castle. The so-called "cotton", is the spring water flowing down from the top of the hill, through the Department after thousands of years of calcium precipitate, forming layers of overlapped semicircle white natural limestone ladder, looks like a big clods cotton stands on a hill, more like dyed white large terrace. Pamukkale water depth, some only and ankle, some and waist. The water temperature is maintained at 36 to 38 degrees Celsius, water pH value of about 6. Not only is rich in minerals, have a magical effect on rheumatism, skin diseases, gynecological diseases, indigestion and neurasthenia, spring can also be drinking.
Currency: in Turkey $100 for about 300000 of Turkey's money, a good place for shopping and shopping.
Taboo: the Turks taboos are mainly religious in nature, such as mosques inviolability Muslim ban pork and wine, Christians taboo "13" etc..
Photography.The J - languageSina Blogger
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